A Banker’s Guide: Verifying the Profitability of New Projects for MSMEs

access_time 2024-04-10T04:37:11.7Z face CA N Raja
A Banker’s Guide: Verifying the Profitability of New Projects for MSMEs In the realm of banking, financing new projects for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is a crucial aspect of fostering economic growth and innovation. However, ensuring the profitability and viability of these ventur...

Unsecured Funding for Companies: Trusting the Numbers and Beyond

access_time 2024-04-07T04:58:04.813Z face CA N Raja
Unsecured Funding for Companies: Trusting the Numbers and Beyond In the ever-evolving landscape of business financing, the role of unsecured funding has become increasingly significant, offering companies a means to access capital without the need for collateral. For Indian bankers navigating this ...

Fund Siphoning Unveiled: Insights from a Dialogue on Financial Deception

access_time 2024-03-21T03:55:46.4Z face CA N Raja
Fund Siphoning Unveiled: Insights from a Dialogue on Financial Deception Vinu: Hey Manu, I've been reading about various ways businesses siphon funds, and it's quite alarming. Can you walk me through some of these methods? Manu: Of course, Vinu. There are indeed numerous tactics businesses employ fo...

Understanding Inventory Holding Period: Insights for Bankers

access_time 2023-08-28T07:13:05.472Z face CA N Raja
Understanding Inventory Holding Period: Insights for Bankers Introduction: Welcome to our blog, where we dive into the concept of inventory holding period and its relevance for bankers. In this scenario, Vinu, a curious banker, approaches Manu, an expert in inventory management, seeking clarificatio...

Understanding Depreciation and Amortization from a Banker's Perspective: A Conversational Blog

access_time 2023-08-28T07:01:34.848Z face CA N Raja
Understanding Depreciation and Amortization from a Banker's Perspective: A Conversational Blog Introduction: In the world of finance, bankers play a crucial role in assessing the financial viability of businesses. When it comes to evaluating a company's financial statements, understanding concepts l...
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